czechbloggerfastingFriendly TunisiaHoly monthHybrid Girljak se žije v TuniskuMuslimspůstpůstní měsícRamadanRamadán
Do you do Ramadan ?? - Držíš Ramadán ?
When I heard about Ramadan for the first time, I was 15 and I just came to Tunisia.
Everybody was talking about and I, very confused, was calling my Dad
- Daddy, everyone is talking about some ramadan thing, what's that ??
- Well, it's a posting month where people don't eat the whole day.
My first reaction? - Oh, God, they're not HUNGRY ??
What to say, I was kind of an ignorant :D

Later on, of course, I understood what Ramadan is really about. Ramadan is a Holy month for all the Muslims around the world. Ramadan is a month of fasting and "purification" (if I can call it that way), where people should refrain themselves from all the physical urges. Food comes in the first place, then its followed by drinks and any kind of addictive substances like coffee, cigarets or alcohol. And then, of course, people should refrain themselves from all the physical pleasure, so during Ramadan no kissing please :D
But don't worry, the fasting lasts only from dawn till sunset.
Ramadan, the 9th month of the Islamic calendar (that is a lunar calendar) is moving every year by approximatively 10 days onwards. This year - in 2016 - it lasts almost the whole of June and some days of July and next year it's going to be from the last days of May till the end of June. That's a very smart way to experience fasting every month and every time throughout the year.
Ramadan also allows you to feel more compassion with those, who don't have the luck to open a full fridge any time they want and eat anything.
Of course, modern Ramadan is a little bit less romantic.
To be honest, the first days of Ramadan feel like the end of the world :D You can imagine, everyone has a headache and they're nervous because they cannot smoke :D
It's like a zombie apocalypse :D
A couple of hours before sunset, the diner needs to get ready and on a typical Tunisian Ramadan table, you absolutely have to have a traditional soup - shorba and brik (similar to a very light stuffed savory crepe).
After the sun sets down, the whole family gathers around the table and they start to eat :) That is my favorite part of Ramadan.
Tunisian TVs are having a new series every year and people watch them with a cup of coffee or mint tea.
And of course, the desserts! With honey and nuts, they're sweet, filling and extremely sticky :D
After dinner, people would go out, have ice cream, go for a walk or grab a cup of coffee somewhere. Some actually stay outside until dawn.
And the last cup of water should be drunk before the sun is up :)
Tourists are, of course, not affected by Ramadan at all. They can eat and drink whenever and wherever they want.
But if you happen to come to Tunisia during Ramadan, please, at least do not smoke in front of those poor fasting men who can not enjoy their cigaret :D
When did you hear about Ramadan for the first time ? Let me know in comments below.
Když jsem poprvé slyšela o ramadánu, bylo mi 15 a zrovna jsem přijela do Tuniska.
Everybody was talking about and I, very confused, was calling my Dad
- Daddy, everyone is talking about some ramadan thing, what's that ??
- Well, it's a posting month where people don't eat the whole day.
My first reaction? - Oh, God, they're not HUNGRY ??
What to say, I was kind of an ignorant :D

Later on, of course, I understood what Ramadan is really about. Ramadan is a Holy month for all the Muslims around the world. Ramadan is a month of fasting and "purification" (if I can call it that way), where people should refrain themselves from all the physical urges. Food comes in the first place, then its followed by drinks and any kind of addictive substances like coffee, cigarets or alcohol. And then, of course, people should refrain themselves from all the physical pleasure, so during Ramadan no kissing please :D
But don't worry, the fasting lasts only from dawn till sunset.
Ramadan, the 9th month of the Islamic calendar (that is a lunar calendar) is moving every year by approximatively 10 days onwards. This year - in 2016 - it lasts almost the whole of June and some days of July and next year it's going to be from the last days of May till the end of June. That's a very smart way to experience fasting every month and every time throughout the year.
Ramadan also allows you to feel more compassion with those, who don't have the luck to open a full fridge any time they want and eat anything.
Of course, modern Ramadan is a little bit less romantic.
To be honest, the first days of Ramadan feel like the end of the world :D You can imagine, everyone has a headache and they're nervous because they cannot smoke :D
It's like a zombie apocalypse :D
A couple of hours before sunset, the diner needs to get ready and on a typical Tunisian Ramadan table, you absolutely have to have a traditional soup - shorba and brik (similar to a very light stuffed savory crepe).
After the sun sets down, the whole family gathers around the table and they start to eat :) That is my favorite part of Ramadan.
Tunisian TVs are having a new series every year and people watch them with a cup of coffee or mint tea.
And of course, the desserts! With honey and nuts, they're sweet, filling and extremely sticky :D
After dinner, people would go out, have ice cream, go for a walk or grab a cup of coffee somewhere. Some actually stay outside until dawn.
And the last cup of water should be drunk before the sun is up :)
Tourists are, of course, not affected by Ramadan at all. They can eat and drink whenever and wherever they want.
But if you happen to come to Tunisia during Ramadan, please, at least do not smoke in front of those poor fasting men who can not enjoy their cigaret :D
When did you hear about Ramadan for the first time ? Let me know in comments below.
Když jsem poprvé slyšela o ramadánu, bylo mi 15 a zrovna jsem přijela do Tuniska.
Všichni o něm mluvili a já nechápavě volala tat'kovi
- "tatí, každej mluví o ňákym ramadánu, co to je ??"
-"no víš, Sani, to je takovej měsíc půstu, kdy se běhěm dne nic nejí"
Moje první reakce ? "Ježis, voni nemaj HLAD ??"
Ale časem jsem pochopila o čem ramadán vlastně je :) Ramadán, je posvátný měsíc muslimů po celém světě. Ramadán je měsíc očisty, během kterého by se člověk měl očistit od všech světských požitků. V prvé řadě je to jídlo, jakékoliv návykové látky jako jsou káva, tabák nebo alkohol. A pak samozřejmě, tělesná potěšení, takže běhěm ramadánu žádna líbačka nebo podobný aktivity :D
Ale nebojte, tento půst se drží jen od východu po západu slunce.
Ramadán, devátý měsíc arabského kalendáře se každý rok posouvá asi o deset dní dopředu. Letos je tedy skoro celý červen a přístí rok bude asi od půlky května do půlky června :) Proč to tak je ? Aby si člověk mohl ramadán vyzkoušet v každém měsíci, v každém ročním období :) Docela vymakanej systém, ne ?
Ramadán je taky o trpělivosti a o tom dokázat se vžít do kůže toho, který prostě nemá to štěstí otevřít si ledničku, kdy se mu zachce a nacpat si pupek :)
Praktický ramadán je o trochu míň romantickej :) První dny dokonce vypadaj jak ze špatnýho hororu :D To víte, všechny bolí hlava a chlapi jsou nervózní, že nemůžou kouřit :D
Všichni vypadaj jak zombíci :D
Pár hodin před západem sluníčka se začne vařit :) Na tuniském ramadánském stole nesmí chybět polívka - chorba a brik (recept na něj máte tady :) )
Po západu slunce se celá rodina sejde u stolu, to je moje nejoblíbenější část ramadánu a večeří se :)
Tuniské televize se každej rok předhánějí, která udělá lepší seriál. Ty se pak sledují u šálku mátového čaje nebo arabské kávy. A co nesmí chybět jsou samozřejmě sladkosti ! Medové s ořísky, sladké a celé takové ulepené :D
Po večeři se chodí ven, na zmrzlinu, na procházku nebo na kafe a někteří zůstávají venku až do úsvitu :) Poslední doušek vody musí být vypit dřív než vysvitne sluníčko :)
Praktický ramadán je o trochu míň romantickej :) První dny dokonce vypadaj jak ze špatnýho hororu :D To víte, všechny bolí hlava a chlapi jsou nervózní, že nemůžou kouřit :D
Všichni vypadaj jak zombíci :D
Pár hodin před západem sluníčka se začne vařit :) Na tuniském ramadánském stole nesmí chybět polívka - chorba a brik (recept na něj máte tady :) )
Po západu slunce se celá rodina sejde u stolu, to je moje nejoblíbenější část ramadánu a večeří se :)
Tuniské televize se každej rok předhánějí, která udělá lepší seriál. Ty se pak sledují u šálku mátového čaje nebo arabské kávy. A co nesmí chybět jsou samozřejmě sladkosti ! Medové s ořísky, sladké a celé takové ulepené :D
Po večeři se chodí ven, na zmrzlinu, na procházku nebo na kafe a někteří zůstávají venku až do úsvitu :) Poslední doušek vody musí být vypit dřív než vysvitne sluníčko :)
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